Skiltaire Party Gift Exchange 2019

The Gift Exchange is a Prancing Skiltaire Party tradition for the December party, which is Saturday December 14, 2019.

If you want to participate (it is not mandatory), bring a wrapped gift to the party (One gift per person, please).  The gift should be something a furry would like. An appropriate gift may be a video game or even an older game system (that still works), a DVD, books/comics, furry clothing or accessories, or plush critters. Pre-owned items should be in good condition. Food or other gift cards or holiday treats are OK but please avoid huge sugary items (some of us are diabetic). If you are buying something new for a gift, please don’t spend too much ($10.00 is our recommended amount, but it’s up to you). Gift cards for commissions are OK, but you need to honor your promise! Please, no “joke” gifts, this isn’t fair to anyone. (We can provide wrapping supplies for those who need it… but try to have your gift wrapped or bagged before you arrive.)

Go to Sylys Sable (Mark Merlino) at his desk in the computer/game room and tell him your name (the name you want to be called when the gifts are distributed). He will place your name on the Solstice Holiday Interactive Treasures List. After you give your name to Sy, THEN place your wrapped gift under the Fur Tree.

Around 8:30 PM Vinson Mink (Rod O’Riley) will have everyone gather around the Fur Tree and he will read off the names from the list. Each person called can select 1 gift from under the tree. When all the names are called, each person who brought a gift should have one. You can unwrap your gift as soon as you get it. Many people will want to see what you got!

Note: if you want to participate in the gift exchange, but have to leave before the names are called, see Sylys (Mark) or Vinson (Rodney) and he will make sure you get a gift.

Let’s review:

  1. Bring a wrapped gift to the PS party. (If you want to)
  2. Give your name to Sylys for the list.
  3. Put your gift under the tree. (Did you give your name to Sylys first?)
  4. Be there when Vinson calls out the names, and get your gift.
  5. Have fun!

The Gift Exchange makes the December PS party something extra special, even if you don’t bring a gift, it is fun to watch the unwrapping!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Prancing Skiltaire!

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